Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Explore Awesome Temple's

Explore Jogja temple area

well, beside famous in beauty beaches of Indonesian,  art, and culinary. Indonesian has known become one of center temple areas. indeed, beautiful ornamen of the temple, and also historical and story.

 Borobudur Temple

 Stupa Borobudur

 Sunset Prambanan

 Prambanan from garden

 Sunset Prambanan

 Ramayana ballet

 Ratu Boko Palace

 Plaosan temple

Mendut temple

well guys, still many more hidden temple in jogja area, they are buddhist and hindhust temple. even you  want visit them, you can visit them by car or motor bike for easier. or if you prefer by bicycle or on foot u also can reach them.

Selasa, 13 September 2011

Bakwan, Indonesian special snack

Who don't know this snack?? For Indonesian people I think all people already knew. Usually this snack served with sambal, tomato sauce or no, it depends your mind. Although, you can eat it with nasi or steam rice with vegetable.

The material for this is only flour, chicken egg, carrot, cabbage, corn, bean sprout,onion leaf, and just for seasoning u can add little bit salt, sugar, or MSG( additional seasoning)
here are the procces to make it: 
let see....

pound and mix all ingredients  

if it's too runny add a little more flour

try one tbs to make one corn cake

fry until golden brown

serve with chilli sauce's so delicious. i like it very much, i hope u can try, u can add more additional some shrimp as well as you like. if u dont have time to make it, u can find it in every side of street who sell "gorengan" it means they sell many kind of fried's. try it wit row chilly

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Find out the truely friends for

guys, u know what the aim of friendship?? 

us when we in prambanan, working meanwhile fun together

i think more than like for fun togather, but we should be always like shadow, always in our side when we cry, sad, happy, alone, laugh, regret, and have a lot some problem in our live. We can share and give solution, long time procces to become friends. one friends is not enough, but one enemy feel like meet  a thousand enemy. 

in prambanan with action

when we ready going to Borobudur temple

although we have found our soulmate or when we meet or love for one day in the future, we should be remember  always us in our memorize, 

us in parangtritis

i love family, love is mine , friends are everything.
friends forevere until we get married and we live with our new family, we will remember us forever

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Krakal beach, with white sand and fresh air

hi guys, by the way talk about natural tourist attraction to declare long holiday and summer. i found new place in south of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.  there is a new tourist attraction ya, who like traveling, please try to visit the attractions in Gunung Kidul, because here a lot of very interesting tourist attraction.

krakal beach the quite and clean beach with white sand
One coastal tourism, nature tourism offers the charm of the beautiful beaches which is very charming with white sand and coral rock carved into a natural. A resolution that need to be aware tour be held strongly to Gunung Kidul and make famous to  international tourism. The lack of promotion and lack of infrastructure that needs improvement to attract more tourists to visit this place. but it should also holding tourist attraction for a tour of different treats. friendliness of people around, the green natural surroundings, as well as shade trees along the way to the beach a tourist attraction is also a strong impetus to attract tourists to visit this place. more or less travel time approximately 2 hours from the city of Yogyakarta to reach the goal. fatigue will be paid after we touch  foot on the white sand beach with a gentle breeze. As you  like to get during the holidays with our  friend, girlfriend, or your family with a tour and get together.

Watu KendiL,

Yellowed rice field looks green. Arranged beautifully in a rice field boxes. splended  viewed from a height. Slightly oblique to the north, the majestic Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Mount Sindoro very fascinating. with Borobudur. All this scenery even more beautiful in the morning, when the sun emerged revealing fog, forming a silhouette. In short, all the perfection of this indescribable scenery.
Watu Kendil was a stone on the hilltops Menoreh can achieve approximately 20 minutes by bike from the Village Head Office Candirejo. But if you want to walk alone, could be faster, because there own route closer than the ride vehicle to rotate. It’s an amazing stone in the top of Menoreh Hill, since like to fall but it never. You can see the clearly of Borobudur Temple scenery and the real village ambience. After that we will continue our journey to Suroloyo. Known as staircase to heaven, it’s about 1000m above sea level, the place where King and Queen of Java used to have a meditation. You will see the four volcanoes such as Merapi, Merbabu , Sindoro and Sumbing from the top and the cloud feel like we are on the heaven, you will see Borobudur Temple is only small point from this place. And surrounding this area is the source of asyri oil and others popular herbs from Java. You will enjoy this experience with some tea or coffee goes with light snack. after traveling about two miles, you’ve arrived at an area Watu Kendil. There you will find a pile of stones shaped Kendil – like a ball stone – attached to the larger stone. Uniquely, the stone had been shaped Kendil never fallen even looks just stick. From this area you can also see the flow of the Progo River snaking like a ring. It’s beautiful.
Watu Kendil handicraft products is usually done by mothers. They used to gather and work in a building used as a center of handicraft industry Kendil Watu. Initial process begins with the selection of craft-making pandan leaves. Then remove the thorns on the leaves, cutting as necessary, boil it, and finally dried for removing the green chlorophyll of leaves. After all the sequence traveled, stayed had a variety of weaving pandanus handicraft. The process of traditional art on this one too can you see yourself.

Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Tembi Tourism Village

Tembi Village is located in Timbulharjo, Sewon District, Bantul, about 8 km to the South of the Kraton of Yogyakarta.
To get to Tembi Village, take any bus bound for Parangtritis beach from Jl. Parangtritis and get off at kilometre 8.4 on the highway, Tembi is 400 m east of here along a side road.
Tembi Village history is started from Katemben, a place where the king's children of Majapahit age was playing. Accorded to the story, if a tourist staying at Tembi Village more than seven days he or she will success like the king's children. 
Tembi’s people still keeps their Javanese culture well. Most of them are farmers but some of them also work as craftmen. Handicraft products from Tembi tourism village are very unique and become the most attractive side of Tembi where visitors can find it only in Tembi.  In this village also visitors can see directly the activities of the citizens of this village, mudal of farming, raising up to the traditional arts activity in this village. 
This village offers visitors the local people’s daily life such as farming, planting rice, cultivating the rice fields with buffalo, other cultural activities and also handicrafts. 
In addition, in this village there are also cultural house which occupies an area of Tembi 3000 meters square and was established starting in 2007. Buildings are designed with this Java architecture was originally functioned as a center of culture and art. In this place there are many collections of art and cultural objects, ranging from the pavilion building is filled with a set of Javanese gamelan, gallery or museum space, to the library. The museum collection has reached thousands more, from the art equipment, traditional weapons, tools kids games, batik equipment, to kitchen appliances are all ethnically Javanese. 

Accomodations and Facilities
This village prepare some inns. Visitors can stay at D'Omah, near Bamboo Pendopo or stay together at local's resident. All of the buildings have the same limasan shape. If visitors want to get complete facilities , they can choose at D'Omah but if they want to mingle with local people they better choose at local's home.

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Pulo Cemeti dan Keindahannya

Keindahan Pulo Cemeti

Berwisata ke Tamansari memang sangat menyenangkan, kita bisa melihat taman air yang begitu indah. Ornamen yang beiu eksotis mampu  memanjakan  mata kita akan sejarah. Namun sayang sekali jika kita tidak mampir untuk mengunjungi Pulo Cemeti. Sebagai orang awam mungkin ketika pertama kali kita mendengar nama Pulo Cemeti mungkin kita akan menyimpulakan sebuah pulau kecil yang bernama Cemeti.  

Namun kenyataannya tidak demikian. Disana tedapat gedung eksotis bernama Gedhong Kenongo atau pesanggrahan Pulau cemeti. Pulo cemeti adalah sebuah bangunan peninggalan budaya yang terletak di belakang bekas pasar Ngasem.  Bangunan ini sangat kokoh sekali dan tinggi, tidak hiran banyak sekali wisatawan yang datan ke tempat ini menghabiskan waktu berjam-jamhanya untuk melihat keindahan kota Yogyakarta dan menyaksikan matahari terbit dan terbenam serta kemegahan Kraton Yogyakarta.  Tempat ini dulunya digunakan sebagai tempat raja dan tamu negara beristirahat. Bangunan ini dibangun oleh Sri Sultan HB I setelah perjanjian Giyanti , bangunan ini juga berfungsi sebagai benteng pertahanan untuk mengintai musuh. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena serangan musuh bisa datang kapan saja. Dari atas gedung kita bisa melihat sebagian hamparan kota Jogja begitu sangat jelas. Material bangunan ini juga sama dengan banguna lain disekitar Keraton yaitu dengan campuran batu bata merah, tanah dan pasir untuk membuat dinding bangunan ini. Tembok ini juga sangat tebal, hal ini difungsikan sebagai penahan konstruksi bangunan juga untuk menahan serangan musuh. Bangunan ini konon di buat dengan bentuk leter H. Namun karena berkembangnya jaman gedung ini tampak  berdiri memanjang saja. Pada bagian depan dan belakang gedung terdapat dua pintu gerbang yang mempunyai ornamen khas yaitu dengan gambar relief sulur pohon dan burung. Ornamen ini menyimbolkan peresmian pembuatannya yaitu pada tahun 1765 Masehi.  Gedung ini sangat unik karena memiliki arsitektur yang bagus, yaitu perpaduan antara arsitektur gaya Eropa dan Jawa. Gedhung Kenongo ini konon dulunya memiliki dua lantai yang berfungsi sebagai pementasan gamelan dan jamuan pada lantai satunya, sedangakan pada lantai kedua digunakan untuk istirahat Sultan. Tempat ini duluunya masih aktif digunakan sampai Sultan HB III. Tempat ini di bangun satu paket dengan Tamansari.  Jadi berwisisata ke Jogja merupakan sebuah wisata yang sangat atraktiv sekali karena menawaran begitu banyak objek wisata yang bermuatan budaya, seni,, religius, pendidikan dan banyak sebagainya yang memiliki nilai positif.

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Eksotisme Kraton Ratu Boko

Situs Cagar Budaya Kraton  Ratu Boko

Berkunjung ke Jogja belumlah lengkap kalo belum wisata  mengunjungi yang satu ini, wisata yang  bersifat rekreatif dan edukatif.  Yaa… kompleks cagar budaya Ratu Boko. Petilasan kraton Ratu Boko ini merupakan sebuah cagar budaya yang berada di atas perbukitan yang berada sekitar 3 km kearah selatan dari Candi Prambanan.  Tepatanya berada di desa Bokoharjo, Pramabanan, Sleman Ypgyakarta. Disini wisatawan dapat melihat keindahan alam yang begitu masyur dana tertata apik. Dari sini juga dapat terlihat candi Prambanan  dan candi Sewu yang begitu klasik di latar belakangi gunung merapi  yang begitu agung. Dari sini pula kita dapat menyaksikan barisan perbukitan yang panoramanya begitu elok yang dihiasi dengan beberapa bangunan candi seperti Candi Banyunibo, Candi Barong, Candi Ijo.
Di kompleks cagar ini terdapat beberapa bangunan inti seperti Gapura utama, candi, kolam batur, Goa, pagar serta petilasan alun-alun. Nama lain Candi Ratu Boko ini adalah Abhaya Giri wihara. Abhaya berarti tidak ada bahaya, Giri berarti bukit, dan wihara berarti rumah. Jadi dapat disimpulkan dengan arti rumah para biksu agama budha yang berada diatas bukit yang tidak bahaya.
Sebutan Kraton untuk Candi ini oleh masayarakat local untuk situs ini dimungkinkan pada dahulunya situs ini merupakan pemukiman dan pusat pemerintahan pada masa itu.
Situs ratu boko ini di bangun oleh Rakai Panangkaran pada tahun 792 Masehi pada masa dinasti syailendra. Bagi yang suka dunia potografi , situs ini menjadi sebuah objek yang tepat untuk mengambil gambar bercita rasa seni yang tinggi. Disini pula juga telah disediakan berbagai macam fasilitas penunjanag untuk membangkitkan pariwisata agar wisatawan merasa nyaman seperti adanya Tourist informasi center, Show room, kamar mandi, toilet, lokasi camping, pos keamanan, tempat parkir, serta gardu pandang. Aksesibelitas menuju situs ini juga sangatlah mudah karena jalan sudah beraspal dan terdapat penunjuk jalan. Jadi jika anda berkunjung ke jogja sempatkanlah untuk mampir ke sini.

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Cave Goa Selarong

Selarong Cave is located at Kembang Putihan Village, Pajangan District, Bantul Regency. It is a historical cave with scenic natural view, cool air and historical traces at the karst hills. The historical value of Selarong Cave is that this cave once used by Diponegoro as a base during his guerilla against the Dutch. The war is known as the Java War which lasted for five years since 1825 – 1830. From Selarong Cave, Diponegoro planned his guerilla strategy and troops launched a sporadic attack to the Dutch army.

B. Description Object
Selarong Cave is located at Kembang Putihan Village, Guwosari, Pajangan District, Bantul Regency. It is about 13 kilometers south of Yogyakarta City or 5 kilometers north of Bantul City. The entrance ticket to Selarong Cave is very affordable. Only need Rp 2.000 per person with some additional money for the parking fee and insurance Then, we are welcomed to enjoy the various objects at Selarong Cave for free.
As we enter the gate to Selarong complex, we will be welcomed by Diponegoro statue. He is in his white robe and turban, riding on his horse looking as if leading his troops with his hand pointing forward, toward the enemy stockade. Before moving forward, it is suggested that we look at the map placed near Diponegoro statue. There are several choices of tourism objects in the map. After that, we can continued the tour into the cave. Along the passage there are sellers, mostly of old age, offering fruits which are Selarong special natural products such as sapodilla, wongai plum, guava, longan, mangosteen, banana, rambutan, and more.
After the historical remains, we can move on to the cave complex by tracing the same passage. It is said that when the rain falls, people can see waterfall flowing from the hilltop across the stairways to the cave. To get to the cave complex you must ascend a series of steps. Permanent stairways have been built to make it easier for visitors to climb and walk through the steep and difficult passage to the cave mouth. In every 10 steps there is a space large enough to take a rest while enjoying the beautiful panorama. There are also frangipani and some other trees growing on both sides of the stairways which shade the passage.
Arriving at the cave, we will see a yard. Never expect seeing a cave with a long, dark and musty trail. Selarong Cave looks more like a chamber for resting. There are two caves at the back of the yard. The one on the left side is known as Kakung Cave. The word kakung in Javanese language means male chief or respected man. It can be inferred then that this cave used to be the chamber or resting place of Diponegoro. The one on the right side, meanwhile, is called Putri Cave which signifies that this cave was inhabited by Raden Ayu Ratnaningsih, Diponegoro’s wife. The word putri in Javanese language means lady or respected woman.
Both Kakung and Putri Caves are located on the lower part of a big lime mountain, which makes it as if two holes were made deliberatily on the mountain for settlement. It was in this cave that Diponegoro planned his strategy with his followers to attack the Dutch. While quartered in Selarong Cave, Diponegoro and his troops were attacked three times by the Dutch on July 25, October 3 and 4, 1825.
Next, we can continues th adventure to the top of the karst hill. There are a series of steps on the left of Putri Cave. They are all in good condition. While ascending the steps, enjoy the scenery around. At the hill top there is an edifice functions as a view tower. From here, we can enjoy the great view and the mountain breeze while taking a rest.

  • Mosque
  • Playing ground
  • Parking area
  • Souvenir shop
  • vendors
  • Rest area
  • Toilet
  • Camping ground
  • Outbond area
  • Motorcross circuit

D. Acces
Access to transportation to reach the location of attractions Cave Selarong fairly easy. However, you should use a personal vehicle because of public transportation directly to the Cave Selarong currently not so much. This may be because the location is in the region Cave Selarong  mountains despite having a very good asphalt road conditions.
If you are coming from out of town, you can rent motorcycles or cars are widely available in the city of Yogyakarta. Selarong Cave is approximately 13 kilometers south of Yogyakarta.
Meanwhile, if taken from the City of Bantul, the distance to the Cave Selarong is about 5 kilometers to the north.
If You start the trip from downtown Yogyakarta (for example, from the intersection of Post Office / Malioboro / Tugu Station Gondomanan or intersection), there are several routes that you can travel to reach the Cave Selarong attractions. Benchmark of a number of these routes is the South Ring Road (Ring Road South), which is located not so far from the center of Yogyakarta. If you depart from Terminal Giwangan, your journey will be easier because these terminals are located on the shores of South Ring Road. From the South Ring Road, you can choose several routes that go directly to the location of Cave Selarong.
The first route is from the South Ring Road to the intersection Dongkelan (Jalan Bantul), select the direction to the south as far as approximately 1-2 miles until arriving at the entrance region Kasongan craft, then proceed to the west with a distance of about 3-4 kilometers reached the intersection Guwosari / Display.
The second route, from the South Ring Road to the intersection Madukismo and headed straight towards the west with a distance and the same goal with the first route. After arriving at the intersection Guwosari / Display, you can directly go to the location of Cave Selarong by taking a branch to the south. The distance between the intersection Guwosari / Displays the location Selarong Cave can be reached with less than 20 minutes away.